Jim Fassett [ Symphony of the Birds ] CD [EM1044CD]

Jim Fassett [ Symphony of the Birds ] CD [EM1044CD]

Selling Price: US$18.00

CD reissue of the historical 1950s LP, featuring a three-track multi-speed tape collage "Symphony" made by ONLY the nature birdsongs (it's REAL), plus regular-speed and time-stretched field recordings, and explanations from the man himself. Jim Fassett was the musical director ob CBS radios in 50s-60s, and also famous as the author of another concrete works Strange to Your Ears in 50s. The kinda roots of recent field recordings/drones stuffs. Totally birdsong mania!

Symphony of the Birds
1. Explanatory Comments By Jim Fassett
2. First Movement (Andante E Iirico)
3. Second Movement (Buffo)
4. Third Movement (Misterioso)

A Revelation in Birdsong Patterns
5. Cardinal, Mockingbird, Catbird, Robin, Summer Tanager
6. Yellow Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Song Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow
7. Carolina Wren, Goldfinch, Indigo Bunting, Purple Finch
Jim Fassett [ Symphony of the Birds ] CD [EM1044CD]

Selling Price: US$18.00